Thursday, July 31, 2008

Amy had her baby!

My friend Amy had her baby naturally two weeks early today! I went to the hospital and got to hold him. He is so precious. She was able to deliever in just three hours. What a great story! I pray that our birth goes as well.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Painting pictures

Brian and Kristy came to help us paint. Eric and they painted two coats per my request. I played with their daughter, Bekah.

Eric was gracious enough to clean all of the brushes. Thank you!
The baby's room is really light yellow. However, Eric likes it which is very good. Tonight, Eric cleaned the 1/2 of the carpet and he will do the rest tomorrow. Then we can finally move everything back in. I might have trouble getting to the bathroom tonight because the hallway is so full.

The baby seems to be doing well. He is kicking alot. I had an appendage in my rib today. It hurt even after it was moved. I think I'm ready to hold this little one in my arms. I try to remember that it is only one more month. August 28th!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Room!

Wow! It has been several days since I have had a chance to post and I don't even have a baby to keep me busy yet. Many things have happened this week in preperation for our new little one. The walls in the baby's room were washed and painted. Thank you to my Mom, Brian, and Kristy. They were a HUGE help!

Today, Eric set up the crib. He did a great job even without directions. I've put all the bath suff away in the bathroom and opened most of the toys. Now I just need to wash them. The room is definitely starting to look like a baby will live there.

We only have five more weeks left. Please be praying with us that the baby will be growing and healthy. I would also appreciate prayer for the labor. I pray that it is natural and uncomplicated.

ps. I will post pictures when I find the camera. :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hospital Tour

We had our tour of the baby center this evening. It was suppose to last 1/2 hour, but we had alot of questions and the tour guide was talkative. It lasted one hour! Because I've never personally been in the hospital, I'm so glad that we went. It is difficult for me to picture myself there, but I won't be alone. God is my strength and Eric should be there too. :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Doctor's appointment & breastfeeding class

We went to the doctor today. Everything is looking/sounding good. The baby's heart rate was around 150 and my tummy measured 33cm. We will see the doctor again in two weeks.

Tonight, Eric and I went to a breastfeeding class at the hospital. I really appreciated Eric going along even though he really didn't want to. When we got to the class, we discovered that our friend Amy Marten, who was the maid of honor at our wedding, was also taking the class. She is due on the 13th of August. It was great to see her and talk about how her pregnancy is going. The picture is of beautiful Amy walking down the aisle at my wedding.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Baby's room

Eric and a friend, Jeremy, moved the desk and office things into the basement on Thursday. Today we cleaned and organized the room. We also made a list of what to do before Baby comes. Did I mention that Eric is awesome? He took so many trips from upstairs all the way to the basement. Thank you Dear!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Baby Update!

We are currently at 34 weeks. Monday is a doctor's appointment and a breastfeeding class. Tuesday, we have a tour of the hospital scheduled. Yesterday, we emptied the office of office stuff and moved it to the basement. We are planning to paint the room light yellow next week and start pulling everything together.

Please continue to pray with us for a healthy, happy baby who loves the Lord.

Traverse City, MI

This is from the top of the sand dune.

Some kids took the picture for us.

Wow! What a big sand dune!

Eric and I recently went to Traverse City for our anniversary trip. We walked the downtown, ate at the same restaurant twice (accidently), and climbed a sand dune. Because I am six months pregnant, I didn't have much energy after the climb.