Sunday, November 30, 2008


It has been a great time here in Michigan. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. The trip took 9.5 hours with Emily sleeping 6 of those hours. She did a good job riding in the car. Praise the Lord!

Thursday morning we prepared for the big dinner at Mom and Dad's house. When I say we, I mean Mom. :) Everyone came around 1pm and stayed through the evening. Emily was a big hit and she interacted well with the family.

Friday, we slept in and the Mom and I went shopping. We found some cute red dresses for Emily to wear with her Christmas tights. In the afternoon, we visited Grandma Wentz. Emily is her 55th great grandchild. In the evening, Ben and his wife Jessica and their two kids came for dinner.

Saturday, Eric and his Dad went to buy tires for our car. We got them just in time for the snowy trip back to Wisconsin. We visited Oma and Opa for tea. They loved hugging and playing with Emily. She was happy for most of our time there. Thank you Oma for the warm blanket for Emily! Ben came back to play games with Eric. In the evening, Eric took me on a date where we saw the tridge, drank coffee, and walked along main street. Mom and Dad watched Emily for us. Thank you!

Well, it's Sunday. We have been watching the weather and we think that it is going to be too snowy to go back to WI today. We still are not sure when we will be coming back. It depends on the snow.

Great pictures to come.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Emily is playing with toys!

Emily & Larisa

Emily's snow suit

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wednesday weigh in

Drum roll please.....

14 pounds 1 ounce!

Praise the Lord for our healthy little girl.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Emily's new noise

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oma came to visit.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Transition/Weekend revelation

These last two months have been difficult transition into staying at home full time. I've been struggling with finding God's will for my life. What does He want me to do with my days? In the past, I would visit people when I had days off. So, I have continued this pattern almost five days a week which means that my household responsibilities are always last and usually don't get done. Well, this weekend was a breakthrough.

First, on Friday, I visited a friend who has just had a baby and also works. Her house was in impeccable order. I started to compare myself with her and found myself lacking. I know that the Bible tells us not to compare ourselves with others; however, that is easier said than done.

Second, Saturday night's sermon was on the rich man who built barns for his grain only to find that his life was required of him that night. The man had put his hopes in things of this earth instead of in eternal things.

Friday and Saturday night, I started to think about what I am doing with my life. I don't feel like I have a purpose and my mind started to make a list of all the things that would make me feel carpet, clean house, organized house, yummy meals every night, decorated house, etc. After this list of things had gone though my mind several times, I realized that they were not thoughts from God but from Satan. Even if I did/got all the things on my list, I would still feel empty.

A still small voiced whispered, "Your fulfillment comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Your hope is in Jesus. In Him you will find fulfillment and purpose." I realized that praying, reading God's Word, and thinking about Him is the only way that I will feel fulfilled in this new life I am leading. When I am listening to God, He will show me what I am to do with my days.

I have also made a list of all of my goals for each day of the week. I want to be able to look back in a month and know that I have accomplished something and that my relationship with Jesus is better than the month before.

What I learned: My fulfillment comes from my relationship with Jesus. Seek first His kingdom and all these things will be added unto you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two months old

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First sickness/2 month appointment

Emily was congested last night. We listened carefully all night to make sure she wasn't choking and was breathing. Even though she had trouble breathing, she was still able to sleep and eat. She slept from 9-2 and 2:30-6. Pretty good.

We went to the doctor today. Emily weighs 13 lbs and is 24in long. She is 91% in both weight and height. Praise the Lord she is growing well. The doctor also said that her congestion wasn't too bad.
Our next appointment is 4 months. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Emily Video - Responding with Smiles

Sunday, November 2, 2008

We are sleeping!

Emily slept from 10:30 p.m. until 8 a.m.!!! Wow! She also has slept through the night all last week. (except for Friday night) We are so excited to be rested. Today, after waking up, Emily ate, played with her toys, and then went back to sleep for about an hour. We are happy that she is sleeping, but I never count on it. :) I've heard that as soon as we figure her out, she will change.

Hope your day is filled with thoughts of our Savior.