Friday, July 31, 2009

She's standing

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New shirts

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Emily's rash is better! She was able to go to VBS with us tonight and play with the other kids. Thank you to all those who prayed for her. We really appreciate it!

She can put the rings on!


Emily took her first real fall today off of the footstool head first. She cried but seemed to be all better within a minute. I praise the Lord that babies are resilient. I wish that I could save my children from physical and emotional hurt, but it will come. I pray that I am there to comfort after the hurt.

We have a climber!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Emily has a rash all over her body. It started on the back of her neck and in her hairline on Saturday morning. As the day went on, it spread. This morning it has continued to spread onto her trunk and extremedies. She still is playing, sleeping, and nursing well but not eating much solid food.

Unfortunately, Vacation Bible School started at Fox River today. I was suppose to help with the 1st grade girls. I'm really sad to be missing out. The doctor suggested that Emily stay away from other children incase she is contagious.

The Lord has a good plan. I must continue to trust His timing for everything.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Spring 2009 pictures