We went to the doctor for her 4 month appointment yesterday. She is 17lbs 14oz (99%) and 27in (98%). That means that only one child out of 100 weighs more than her at four months and only two children out of 100 are longer than her at four months. I continue to praise the Lord for giving us a healthy, happy baby.
My brother was here today when I put Emily down for her nap. He said, "She really only cries when she goes to sleep." And he is correct.
Back to the doctor. Emily got her four month shots. I went to the bathroom and Eric stayed with her. I was listening for the sound of Emily crying to know that it was okay to go back into the room, but I heard nothing. Emily didn't cry. Wow! We were all amazed.
Emily has now slept through the night for the last four days. We praise the Lord for this transition. Because of her sleeping, Eric and I have been able to go to the gym in the morning. We went three days this week and hope to go more next week. Having Larisa here to listen for Emily to wake up is cetainly a treat. We will miss her when she marries my brother. (Just two more weeks. ) :)