Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My first game with Emily (Session Report)

Last night I tried to play my first game with Baby Emily. It was Let's Chat from SimplyFun Games. (Our friends A&J Palmer are SimplyFun consultants and we headed over to a party they held a few weeks back since SimplyFun makes one of our favorite party games - Eye to Eye - which is basically reverse Scattergories.)

In Let's Chat, you ask questions of one another and then get to know one another better through the answering of the questions. This is how the game went.

Eric: What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
Emily: aah (I think she meant "Mommy gestated me for 40 weeks plus 4 days!")

Eric: If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
Emily: goo (translated as "inside Mommy.")

Eric: If you found $1000 on the street, what would you do with it?
Emily: ngh ("give it to mommy")

Eric: What's the nicest vacation you've ever been on?
Emily: aah aaar ("Right now, I'm sure. I've been visiting all of you in this chilly place called 'outside the womb' and I am really looking forward to going back home!")

I'm not sure who won our game; I think it was close. I can see why she answered the way she did though!



Anonymous said...

Look at those chubby little cheeks! ;) Emily really is a pretty baby. I'm eager to hear more about how labor and delivery went. Also, does she have a middle name?