The baby hasn't arrived yet. I just want to let you know that I'm not going to post much more until baby does come. I'm sure you are feeling the disappointment of checking this blog and seeing that there is still no baby just like I am. Ok, maybe not as much. :)
Eric and I are doing our best to enjoy our time together without the added resposibility of a baby. We are sleeping in, playing games, going for walks, doing chores, and visiting friends.
We will definitely let you know when the baby comes. God has the birthdate picked out and we are waiting to find out what day it is. :)
Please continue to pray for us. I'm going to be trying not to eat too much sugar in the coming days because I think it will just make the baby gain more weight. Please pray that I can control sugary desires. Thanks. :)
5 years ago
well, i am bummed to know that there wont be daily postings. but will look forward to the exciting one introducing baby wentz
I am kind of there with the Cohan's I have been checking daily and it reminds me to pray daily.
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